Weight Management
Toned Protein Boost includes Moro red orange – a potent source of flavonoids that influence the metabolism of fat cells, helping to counteract fat accumulation and prevent weight gain. It also includes carob, which is known to be an effective appetite suppressant. This unique blend of potent ingredients makes Toned Protein Boost one of the best natural weight loss supplements on the market.
To ensure that our natural weight loss supplements are suitable for use by as many individuals as possible, the Toned protein powder for weight loss is dairy free, gluten free and contains no added sugar.
Our smoothie enhancer formula has made it easier than ever to enjoy your morning protein serve. Combining all 3 scientifically formulated Intrametica® blends into your favourite breakfast smoothie will have you looking and feeling fabulous in next to no time. Stop your search for the best protein products for weight loss and experience Intrametica® today.

See what Toned Protein Boost can do for you

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Toned Protein Boost Pouch