Liver Health

The liver is the body’s largest digestive gland and primary detox organ. It’s responsible for dealing will all toxins and chemicals the body comes into contact with, including environmental pollutants, pesticides, infections, dehydration, medications, preservatives, alcohol and caffeine. While detoxification is a natural process that your body does daily, it’s no surprise that the liver can become burdened by the sheer demand that the urban lifestyle places on it. Your lifestyle and diet choices can often make your liver work even harder than usual. Using the right natural liver cleanse health supplement can assist this vital organ through its important processes and provide you with a huge range of health benefits.


Signs of Poor Liver Health

There are numerous signs and symptoms associated with poor liver health that may necessitate a natural liver cleanse. These symptoms include:

  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea
  • Dark urine and dark coloured stools
  • Abdominal bloating and ankle swelling
  • Jaundice, where the skin or whites of the eye turn yellow
  • Altered mental states, including confusion and fatigue

About Our Natural Liver Cleanse

Ideal for everyday use, Purify Body Cleanse is a liver health supplement from Intrametica containing clinically proven bioactive botanicals. These ingredients support gut healing, gentle elimination via the bowel, healthy liver function and blood purification to promote overall health and wellbeing.

Designed to support, stimulate and enhance your system, our natural liver cleanse contains scientifically formulated ingredients such as Milk Thistle, which has been used for centuries to address liver health. A daily dose of Purify Body Cleanse makes it incredibly easy to support and nurture the liver and its innate filtration system. An alkalising and nourishing elixir, this is your answer to help prevent toxic overload, optimise health, and achieve radiant youthful skin from within.

This natural liver cleanse health supplement is a perfect complement to Intrametica® Collagen Ultimate+ and Toned Protein Boost. Use of these products together forms the ultimate body beautiful product suite available today. Learn more about our other available products today, including hormone balance supplements and skin products to repair sun damaged skin. You can also shop organic collagen supplements to enhance health and beauty on the inside and out.