Abate Hunger and Sugar Cravings
Overcoming hunger and sugar cravings is a huge hurdle when trying to lose weight or even maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Protein in the morning is important to curb both hunger and sugar cravings throughout the day. At Intrametica®, we’ve designed our Toned Protein Boost to be enjoyed as a breakfast meal replacement. Containing organic bio-fermented plant protein sources that promote satiety, our protein powder helps to suppress appetite and curb sugar cravings.
This delicious and easy to mix protein powder also contains Carob, polyphenol rich in insoluble fibre which is great for reducing hunger, lowering post meal glycemic response, and minimising overall energy intake. Plus it also has Mesquite bean, a legume that is low GI and helps to maintain stable blood sugar levels, long-lasting energy and satiety. Pumpkin seed and sunflower seed powders also provide plant-based essential fatty acids, fibre, and nutritionally dense protein sources to help you feel fuller for longer.
By managing hunger, appetite and variations in blood sugar and insulin responses, controlling energy slumps and sugar crashes becomes easier, helping you to lose fat and maintain weight.

See what Toned Protein Boost can do for you

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